Alan Yee Wins Argument Before CA Supreme Court!

Posted by dan

May 19, 2017

Alan recently argued a case before the state Supreme Court that was as politically significant as it was legally esoteric.  On May 4, 2017, the Court issued a decision in our favor and in favor of public university faculty in
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Death Penalty Focus Honors Dan Siegel!

Posted by dan

May 18, 2017

This past May 7, Death Penalty Focus invited Dan Siegel to their annual awards dinner, honoring him with a special recognition for his work representing death row inmates at San Quentin prison who were unjustly kept in solitary confinement.A Other
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Siegel & Yee Is Moving!

Posted by dan

May 18, 2017

But just right next door.A After many years at 499 14th Street, we are moving to 475 14th Street this August.
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